Jay Old: Advocate for Jobs, Advocate for Industry, Advocate for US.

Jay Old, Candidate for U.S. District 14 understands his district.  He grew up here, lives here and raised his family here.  More importantly, he is involved in the the community and the industry that supports it’s citizens.

District 14  spans from Brazoria County westward along the coast to Jefferson County.  Although expansive and well populated, it has one common commercial thread that unifies this district:  the petrochemical industry.

“The best part about the district is that it is unified. The intercoastal canal  ties this district together but its five ports and the petrochemical industry make it run. It is also what will give us notariety and bargaining power on the national level because of our economic strength.”

For the past 12 years, Jay has been Chapter Council for the Associated Builders and Contractors, (ABC) a national organization of building contractors and venders for the industrial builders. They work hand in hand with the petrochemical and refining industry to promote issues for the group. He has been to Washington with ABC to seek regulation favorable to the construction industry in the District.

Through his work with ABC, he has learned the challenges of industrial builders as well as the petrochemical industry and has helped face those issues.

“One of the major challenges of the petro-chemical industry is the lack of a skilled labor force.” says Jay.

“In my work with ABC, one of our biggest efforts has been towards developing skills training for kids in highschool and beyond as they enter the workforce. There are great jobs in this area in the construction world and in the petrochemical world but you must have the skills.”

ABC operates its own training facilities. “One primary purpose is to be able to hire locally and provide employment for our citizens.  This way we do not have to ship in the workers from other states or regions. That saves everyone money.  And, from that training we are providing the community with skilled, well-payed citizens who can support their families, afford a home and build our community.”

“In Washington, our first emphasis has to be on protecting the petrochemical jobs in this area. We must get a comprehensive energy policy that protects the industry. Get the Keystone Pipeline going.  The petrochemical industry can provide energy independence for our country and that has to be one our main considerations.”

“Instead of using regulations to set social and political agendas, let’s use regulation to make our communities prosperous and safe. Let’s not abuse the regulatory process so that it prevents us from competing on an international level.”

“We need to lower our corporate tax rates and change our regulatory burdens. As a petrochemical refiner, you need more than products, labor force and the ports to succeed. You need a tax environment that supports your business.”

“One of the potential game changers for our district is shale gas. I want to help form a comprehensive energy policy that allows us to take advantage of readily available cheap shale gas that allows us to use this affordable shale gas and use it to create long-term supplies of affordable energy in the United States.”

Jay Old certainly knows and understands our communities’ commercial and industrial challenges as he has lived with us and advocated for those concerns. 

“The petrochemical industry is the economic engine that will make our country strong. And it provides the bulk of the jobs in this district. So, what is good for District 14 is good for the country”

Jay is also a successful civil devense laywer, board certified in his specialty who as achieved the highest ratings for ethics and professionalism from his peers.

 Jay hopes to use his knowledge of the district’s economic interests as well as his advocacy skills to represent and promote our District.

Check out Jay Old’s website at jayold.com.

Barbara Meeks: County Chair – Extraodinaire

“BARBARA MEEKS!  “As I heard my name announced, I could not believe it!” 

“I was sitting in a room full of awe inspiring women who had shaped the course of our state. Hearing the presenter list the accomplishments of these women was truly humbling.”  

“BARBARA MEEKS! the presenter had said.  It was then, I realized that I was being honored as one of the Top 10 Republican Women in the State of Texas by the Texas Federation of Rebublican Women.”

 This was October, 2011.  The pinnacle of what had become one of the most incredible years of Barbara’s life.

Just a few months before, she had  been voted Volunteer of the Year in Senate District 11 by the State Republican Executive Committee.

Around the same time, Barbara was selected Chairman of the Galveston County Republican Party.  This all happened during the history-making time when Galveston was becoming a Republican county.

Her successes did not happen overnight. Barbara started “just helping out,”in the early 1990’s.   One of her her first experiences in the party was the 1994 Republican Convention.  “It was amazing to be in a room with two or three hundred other Republicans.   At the time the County was strongly Democrat and our gatherings consisted of ten to twenty folks.” 

Volunteering in her own precinct was the next step.  She followed that by becoming a charter member of Clear Creek Republican Women and taking an active role in that organization.   Barbara was elected to City Council in League City and ran for Galveston County Clerk in 2006.

 The presenter for the TFRW gave Barbara credit for helping to turn her county from “blue to red.”

When asked about what part she played in turning the county ‘Red’ Barbara said, “I think the most effective thing I did was create the VOTER’s GUIDE that was sent to the voters during those pivotal years.” 

The VOTER’s GUIDE was a booklet mailed to 30,000 households in 2008 and 35,000 households in 2010.   Paid for by advertisers, the guide which featured all the Republican Candidates was mailed to undecided and swing voters.

“I saw what other counties were doing, attempting to unify the Republican voters.” says Barbara.  “The VOTER’s GUIDE had a tear out sheet that the voter could take into the booth with them”

“I know that the VOTER’s GUIDE  played a large part in helping the citizens of our county find their voice.  The resource gave the guidance they needed in choosing the conservative path our county was ultimately heading toward.”

“I see now that learning to crawl, walk, then run in the Republican Party has helped me become the person I am today.   From my involvement with the R.W. clubs, to the precints, to the county conventions, to the State Conventions, from the Lincoln Dinners to the Voter Guides, to the TFRW convention… it is all about the relationships I have made.”

As far as the future for the Party here in Galveston? “We all have the same goal. We all want to see Republicans get elected. Our job now is to find the best candidates to become the Republican nominees.”

Barbara is running to keep her seat as Chairman of the Galveston County Republican Party.

In the Trenches With Larry Taylor

“Pay these people their money!” Rep. Larry Taylor demanded of the Texas Windstorm Insurance Association (TWIA) last year when they were being investigated for not paying damage claims fairly. 

Larry Taylor has defended our homeowners many times in his position as State Representative, but nothing like the last three years.  Larry sat down with me near his home in Friendswood and shared his thoughts regarding recent battles on behalf of his constituents. 

Hurricane Ike was a game changer for everyone in this area. Aside from the obvious, (picking ourselves up and getting back our lives and businesses), suddenly many Galveston County homeowners and businesses were in a fight for financial survival.

Because of the thousands of damage claims in Ike, reserves in the TWIA trust fund were quickly depleted. TWIA is Texas’ windstorm insurer for coastal county properties and operates somewhat like a co-operative. They pay when your home is damaged due to wind. Hurricane Ike left our region with billions of dollars in damages.

House bill 4409 was created to help figure out a way of funding TWIA after Ike claims left it broke. As a member of the House of Representatives Insurance Committee, Taylor was faced with a proposed rate increase by the Chairman of the Insurance Committee and other non-coastal legislators. 

The Chairman offered a bill that included a 60%-80% rate increase for TWIA policyholders. Taylor strongly opposed the rate increase and at the very end of the session the Conference committee finally resolved the rate issue with only a five percent increase. Taylor was thankful for a lesser of two evils. A sixty to eighty percent rate increase would have devastated most homeowners and businesses in coastal counties.

There were hundreds of complaints about how TWIA was handling Ike claims. These complaints resulted in a full investigation of the TWIA claims process.  Taylor, as a member of the oversight committee, participated in hearings and the investigation of TWIA. They discovered fraud, mismanagement, dishonesty and unfair handling of claims by the agency.

Says Taylor, “I heard some terrible things during our investigation. Stories of ridiculous claims delays and denials to our homeowners. Some of their tactics were deplorable and patently unfair to the claimant. It was heartbreaking to hear.”

Larry demanded of TWIA “Why aren’t you paying these claims? Pay these people their money!”

Ultimately, as a result of these very contested hearings, the Board of TWIA ended up cleaning house and replacing all of TWIA’s top management.

During the process, Taylor was named as Co-Chairman of the TWIA Oversight Committee.  In his capacity as a legislator with oversight of the agency, Rep. Taylor requested public information regarding a wide variety of claims and legal settlements in order to assess the process and determine if the agency was operating efficiently and effectively.  The plaintiff lawyers fought the release of the public information tooth and nail. 

Taylor spent thousands of dollars of his campaign funds to get the information and the legal fight went on for over 3 months.  Eventually, Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott sided with Rep. Taylor that the legal settlement information must be released to the public.  When the information was finally released, it revealed a payout of over $200 million for actual damages with an additional $133 million going for Attorneys fees.  Taylor was outraged as were most Texans. 

There are now safeguards in place under the reformed TWIA that should ensure improved claims handling and protect the policyholders from excessive legal costs raising their rates.  It is this leadership on behalf of his constituents that Larry feels makes him the best candidate for Texas Senate. “I have participated in the legislative process many, many times. These battles, along with the fight to keep U.T.M.B on Galveston Island were not easily won.”

“I succeeded in part because I have been in the Legislature 10 years now. I have carried the torch for this area. I have been on the front lines, in the trenches, fighting the good fight. I know the challenges the region faces as well as what it takes to make things happen in Austin.”

“I am proud of my successes. After Ike, we were close to losing U.T.M.B. There was a strong push to move it to Austin. I fought to keep it in Galveston. U.T.M.B is Galveston County’s largest employers. That would have had a major impact on the entire region.”

Honored many times by independent groups who rate conservative performance, Larry has been in the trenches fighting for the cause, for you, for years.

Larry is running for State Senate District 11. He knows the challenges and pitfalls of being a Legislator. This experience makes him confident he is the right man for the job. He will fight for you. He has fought for you.

Check Larry Taylor out at http://larrytaylor.com/

Michelle Slaughter, “I Can Do Better.”

Our Lunch at Chili's

   Judicial candidate, Michelle Slaughter has worked hard to get where she is today.  And on this particular day, she sat with me to discuss her campaign for the 405th District Judge.  Michelle joined me for lunch at Chili’s on 646 in League City.  Not too far from her home.  As Michelle and I talked, it became apparent why she has gotten so far so fast.

   As a child growing up in Houston, Michelle’s parents and grandparents instilled in her a work ethic that she carries with her today.  They made her earn things that her peers were simply given.  Like when she had to make all “A’s” for three semesters before she got her first computer.
   Michelle went to work at a commercial litigation firm straight out of Law School.  She began trying cases in the hectic Harris County court system almost right away.  Costly continuances, lengthy delays and rulings with no legal foundation motivated Michelle to step up to the plate.  In one of her cases, one un-fair continuance cost her small business client over $100,000.
   “From Law School I hit the ground running.  After a few years of sheer frustration by the way some of the Judges ran their courtrooms and mis-interpreted the law, I decided…. I CAN DO BETTER.”
   Michelle believes in herself.  Being a mother of two young children, running her own commercial litigation practice, and working a very busy campaign does not daunt her spirit.     Michelle is smart, poised and most of all… confident.
   Confident in the strengths she brings to the table.  And confident that she can be the conservative Judge that this county is looking for.
   Check out Michelle’s website at slaughterforjudge.com.  I am confident that you will be as impressed with Michelle as I was.

Conservative Before it Was Cool


“I am here to Represent the Republican Party!”   Kerry Neves announced as he rushed into the courtroom just before the hearing was about to start.

The year is 2002.  It is an election violation suit filed by the Democrats against the Republicans for having the audacity to verify signatures according to Texas Law.

There was an order signed at two in the morning by the Judge, for a hearing at ten in the morning the very same day.

Everyone in the courtroom was shocked.  Shocked that anyone had appeared for the hearing at all … much less Attorney, Kerry Neves.

This is what “conservative before it was cool” means.  Back when almost every local and county official was Democrat.  When every single county and district judge… was Democrat.

When eight to ten members of the Galveston Republican Network Meeting was a “good turn out.”  (Now they pack large rooms).

Back then…Kerry Neves  walked the walk.  “Conservative before it was cool” is not just a slogan.  It was Kerry’s reality.

When many candidates either, identified as a Democrat or made no voice, or played no role in the Republican Party… Kerry Neves said “I am here…”


Obviously, things have changed.

Check out Kerry’s website.  He has served as a Republican leader in various organizations since the 1990’s and was the County Chair in 2007-2008.

With his conservative values as his guide, Kerry has played a roll in shaping his community and our county.

A Dickinson City Council Member since the 1998, and a half dozen more non-partisan community leadership roles, Kerry has helped make Galveston County what it is today.

Neves is running for the 10th Judicial District Court of Galveston County After practicing law for over 30 years, Kerry feels that he is highly qualified to be the Republican to take the bench.

And, equally as important, a true conservative… even when it wasn’t cool to be one.

Patriot with a Plan: Heidi Thiess

I met with Heidi on a rainy February day, to discuss blogging.    As a fellow blogger, I was fascinated by  her experiences blogging against terrorism.

The discussion never got that far. I found  Heidi to be a woman of substance.   As a candidate for the 24th District of the Texas House of Representatives, Heidi is not just about ideals, slogans and platforms.

Heidi, a self defined patriot, has a plan.

Heidi is concerned about the many challenges facing the state today.    She has very specific thoughts and ideas about how to handle them.

For instance, she is against taking stimulus money.  Heidi says it always comes with strings.

Heidi wants to balance the budget.  The “base line” budgeting that is presently in place is sloppy and won’t get us back to where we were in 2003… when the State balanced the budget deficit with no gimmicks.  Instead she advocates for “zero-based” budgeting, forcing state agencies and programs to build their budgets from zero, and justify their expenses.

Rising out of the many issues that Heidi could knowledgeably speak of was immigration.  This is a subject she understands on many levels.  Heidi lived in Mexico for a year on a mission helping the citizens in that community grow and prosper.

Heidi has a degree in International Studies so she can speak informatively about the Constitution and the rights of immigrants.

And, Heidi has been to the Texas House as part of a Citizens’ Political Lobbyist’ group, and watched, disheartened, as laws which would help fix the problem, died in committee.

I asked Heidi, “How would you solve Texas’s immigration problem?”

“First,” said Heidi, “let’s realistically assess the situation.  We do not have accurate information of what the illegal aliens cost our State.  The ‘guesstimates’ are in the billions.”

“We had a cost analysis bill in the last legislative sessions that died in committee. How much money do we spend on illegal immigrants? We don’t know.  Let’s pass that cost analysis bill.  It’s the taxpayer’s right to know!

Next, Heidi feels it is imperative to “stop the magnet.”  Jobs, free medical care, free education and entitlements are magnets which attract illegal aliens to our state.

Another bill Heidi saw fail to pass was “e-verify.”  That state law would have implemented a system requiring aliens to have  legal identification and documentation in order to work in Texas.

“The attraction of easy jobs to illegal aliens would be solved  with a combination of e-verify and enforcing the laws we now have in place. We should also punish employers that go outside the law for the betterment of their own bottom line, and reward those who create jobs for Texans.”

Says Heidi, “It is the same with education.  We have to really go back and look at this process of automatically naturalizing anchor babies. The 14th amendment is greatly abused.   Due to its misinterpretation,  illegal immigrants who come to this country and give birth are allowed to stay, and bring in extended families.  Many of our southern neighbors don’t want to be American citizens. They just want the freebies that go along with it.”

“Simultaneously, we have to secure the border. I have been talking with Sheriffs on the southern border.  They are ‘boots on the ground there.’  They know what works and doesn’t work.”

“I do not advocate putting our soldiers on the ground on our side of the border. I believe that the Texas State Guard and , civic border security organization and sheriffs could all work together and supplement the efforts of  the Border Patrol and ICE to truly secure our borders. That’s going to require a combination of man-power, technology and barriers where appropriate.”

“When you stop the magnet, and you start to actually enforce the laws on the books, you have an inevitable effect of self-deportation.”  Says Heidi.

“I have never advocated for rounding people up and mass deportation. They will take care of it themselves when their opportunities here are not so lush.”

“I recognize that this is an untouchable subject because people are afraid of the labels.   As long as we ignore the problem,  our state suffers and the illegal alliens are being exploited.”

“I am willing to step up and say what others won’t.  To do what others will not.  I intend to pass these difficult laws despite powerful lobbyists who want to keep things the way they are for their own financial gain.”

I was impressed with Heidi’s understanding of the issues and her bold stand on immigration.  She speaks with compassion,  understanding and courage.

heidifortexas.com is Heidi’s website.  As a techno-savvy candidate, her site is rich with information about her experiences and her plans for our state.  Check it out.

Randy Weber: The Definition of a Conservative

In Randy Weber’s very first term as State Representative, he was rated the Number One Conservative in the Texas House of Representatives by the Texas Conservative Coalition.

The Coalition puts out ratings based on each Representative’s record.  They assess their conservative voting record on such issues as pro-business, pro-family, pro-gun rights, smaller government, etc.

When asked, why he scored so well in his first term in office, Randy explained, “I come from an extremely conservative background in extremely conservative district.  I just stuck with my values right down the line.”

How does Randy Weber define a conservative?  “Someone who believes in smaller government, more individual freedoms, lower taxes, traditional Christian-Judeo values and the sanctity of life.  Those are the obvious answers” says Randy.

“But, equally as important is individual responsibility:  People have to be responsible for their actions.  And, something you don’t hear very often:  We must allow folks the freedom to fail!”

“When I started my air-conditioning company in 1981, I went to Alvin Community College and took refrigeration courses.  Then I hung out my shingle.”

“We struggled.  There were times we were barely able to keep the lights on.  But we persisted and prevailed.  It was that fear of failure that kept us going.”

“That is one of the problems withour national leadership today.  Bailouts?  No personal responsibility?  The concept that the Government has to take care of everybody?  The idea that folks aren’t responsible for their own actions and that we cannot allow them to fail?  That’s what got us where we are today!”

“A true conservative believes that individual freedom and individual responsibility, including the right to fail, is actually what makes this country great.”

Randy remembers going without a paycheck just to make sure the lights stayed on and his employees got paid.  “But, if you struggle, if you make the sacrifices for your business and you prosper… it creates jobs for others.   Let free enterprise grow and they will supply the jobs”

Randy first got into Republican Politics in 1983 when he worked on Ronald Reagan’s re-election campaign.  In 1990 he was elected to Pearland’s City Council.  Randy served  there for six years and managed to lower taxes three years in a row.

He has been a Precinct Chair, Election Clerk and Election Judge.  “I’ve been working for the Republican Party since 1983. I have knocked on doors, supported candidates, raised money and been active in the party for almost three decades.”

“I believe in what Ronald Reagan believed.  Reagan believed in America.  He believed in individual freedom he believed in personal responsibility.”

“Reagan believed it was up to us, not the government, to make life better. Government was not the answer, it was the problem.”

His voting record, guided by those beliefs earned Randy the Courageous Conservative Award by the Texas Conservative Coalition and Taxpayer’s Hero Award from Texans for Fiscal Responsibility.

Randy is running for the UnitedStates Congress, District 14.  Check outRandy’s website at randyweber.org

Beau Rawlins on Overcoming Adversity and Leading the City of Galveston

Beau Rawlins, Mayoral Candidate for the City of Galveston shared his personal story with the Pachyderms this week.  An inspirational story of triumph over tragedy kept the Pachyderms engaged. 

Rawlins, grew up in government housing, lost his father to murder as a child, went to 13 different schools and learned to fight as a necessity. 

Rawlins credits the sport of football for giving him the tools to break out and a way get out.   Speaking in a comfortable, conversational manner to the crowd, he shared his vision and goals for the City of Galveston.  Primarily, his intention is to attract jobs, particularly jobs which bring permanent residents to the Island.

Check out Beaus’ interview on Electric Theater Radio with G. Lee. georgedouglaslee.com

Bill Sargent – Proud of His Conservative Heritage

Bill Sargent, speaking to the Galveston Island Pachyderms shared his conservative heritage on February 2nd.  He told the attendees of a man who was elected to Congress from California in 1860 and who, as a freshman Congressman, introduced the Transcontinental Railway bill that became law.  “As a Senator, that same man introduced the first resolution to give women the right to vote,” Sargent said.  “That man was my great grandfather and his accomplishments have always inspired me.”

Sargent shared the role he played in the “rebirth” of the conservative movement  in the early 1960s how he supported Barry Goldwater for President.  “It was Barry who called for a strong national defense and support for the free market economy.  It was Reagan who implemented these policies, and what happened? “ Sargent asked.  “The cold war ended and the economy rebounded under Reagan!” he contended.   “These are the people I worked with and looked up to.  Their approach to Government works!”

Sargent mentioned his qualifications for holding this office, including over 20 years of legislative experience in Washington, his military service   and his small business background.

He called for a balanced budget amendment, securing our borders, and getting the Federal government out of the way so that businesses can do what they do best – create jobs!

Sargent is running for U.S. Congressional District 14.

Visit Bill at www.BillSargent4Congress.com

Larry Taylor: Champion of Free Enterprise!

State Representative Larry Taylor was awarded the highest legislative award bestowed by the Texas Association of Business this week.   CHAMPION OF FREE ENTERPRISE, was given to Representative Taylor in recognition of his strong pro-business, free enterprise and low-tax voting record during the 2011 Session of the Texas Legislature. 

“The 2011 Session was one of the most difficult in recent history,” said TAB President and CEO Bill Hammond.  “Because of the budget challenges, lawmakers, like Representative Taylor, faced a lot of hard decisions, but thankfully the majority stuck with the plan of trimming spending and holding the line on taxes.  Because of the work of Representative Taylor and the others, Texas’ jobs climate remains strong.” 

 “I’m proud of the role we played in ensuring a strong business climate. Champion of Free Enterprise Texas is leading the nation in economic resurgence and stability and we are weathering these tough economic times better than any other state.  Our success is due to our conservative leadership, our commitment to opposing new taxes and our dedication to solving impediments to private sector growth.” Says Taylor.

The Texas Association of Business is the “voice of business” in Texas.  Founded in 1922, the Texas Association of Business is a broad-based, bipartisan organization representing more than 3,000 small and large Texas employers and 200 local chambers of commerce